Wednesday, December 19, 2007

For You

Here i sit In my haven thinking about the hurt i have felt. This place inspires. It holds so many memories. Over time it has crept into my soul. And now i cant help but think about how this place this calm quiet subdued place has been my muse, sacred space, guardian, and ideal provider for everything and anything. This hall has given me refuge, hope, information, inspiration, and peace. It was here that i first realized that i was doing wrong. Here that it occurred to me that my first love and i were over. This very spot where my friends and i sat together and did nothing more than talk, freely amongst ourselves. This room where i have laid after heart break, during confusion, before seeking further answers, and it was here that i sit now worried about those i love and care about. Hoping their pain will soon pass and that they will be happy once more. I sit here for you. For my friends,
my family, for those who are my everything. For all of you i love and would do anything to help.

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